Unlocking the Power of Activation Gelu: A Comprehensive Guide to Maximizing Your Results

Gelu activation function is a widely used activation function in deep learning, especially in convolutional neural networks (CNNs).

Updated October 16, 2023

Activation Gelu: A Comprehensive Guide


Gelu activation function is a widely used activation function in deep learning, especially in convolutional neural networks (CNNs). It is a generalization of the popular ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) activation function, and it has several advantages over ReLU. In this article, we will explore the concept of Gelu activation, its properties, and how it compares to other activation functions.

What is Gelu Activation?

Gelu activation is a non-linear activation function that is defined as:

$$\text{Gelu}(x) = \frac{x}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_{0}^{x} e^{-t^2} dt$$

where $x$ is the input to the function, and $\pi$ is the mathematical constant pi. The function is similar to ReLU, but instead of thresholding the input at 0, it uses a Gaussian error function to smoothly clip the input between 0 and infinity.

Properties of Gelu Activation

Gelu activation has several properties that make it a popular choice for deep learning models:


Gelu is a non-linear activation function, which means that it can learn more complex relationships between the input and output. This is particularly useful in CNNs, where the activation function needs to be able to capture complex patterns in images.

Continuous derivatives

Unlike ReLU, Gelu has continuous derivatives, which makes it easier to optimize and train deep learning models. This is because the gradient of Gelu is always well-defined, even when the input is negative.

Robustness to outliers

Gelu is more robust to outliers than ReLU. This is because Gelu uses a Gaussian error function to smoothly clip the input, rather than thresholding it at 0. This means that Gelu can handle inputs with extreme values without producing incorrect outputs.

Computational cost

Gelu has a lower computational cost than ReLU, which makes it more efficient for large-scale deep learning models. This is because the computation of Gelu only involves elementary arithmetic operations, such as addition and multiplication.

Comparison to Other Activation Functions

Gelu activation is often compared to other popular activation functions, such as ReLU and sigmoid. Here are some key differences:


ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) is a widely used activation function that thresholdes the input at 0. While ReLU is simple to compute and has good performance, it can produce irregular gradients, which can make training more difficult.


Sigmoid is another popular activation function that maps the input to a value between 0 and 1. While sigmoid is continuous and differentiable, it can produce slow convergence and vanishing gradients during training.

Advantages of Gelu Activation

Gelu activation has several advantages over other activation functions:

Improved performance

Gelu activation has been shown to improve the performance of deep learning models on various tasks, such as image classification and object detection. This is because Gelu can capture more complex patterns in the data, while still being computationally efficient.

Robustness to outliers

Gelu is more robust to outliers than other activation functions, which makes it particularly useful for tasks with noisy or missing data.

Efficient computation

Gelu has a lower computational cost than other activation functions, such as sigmoid and ReLU. This makes it more efficient for large-scale deep learning models.


In conclusion, Gelu activation is a powerful and flexible activation function that has several advantages over other activation functions. Its non-linearity, continuous derivatives, and robustness to outliers make it particularly useful for deep learning models, especially in CNNs. Additionally, its low computational cost makes it an efficient choice for large-scale models. We hope this article has provided a comprehensive guide to Gelu activation and its properties.